Digital JEDI Consortium (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion)

The Consortium believes everyone deserves equal access to technology, digital skills, and employment opportunities.

Main Service Initiatives

The Digital JEDI Consortium provides multiple services addressing the multifaceted needs of the modern digital landscape. All program components aim to reduce the effects of digital inequity and increase socio-economic capacity among those most impacted by the digital divide.

  • Device Distribution

    • Support community members in accessing affordable internet solutions, like Comcast’s Internet Essentials
    • Distribute 1,500 laptops and 300 hotspots for career development in Metro North and North Shore through its partnership with Computers 4 People
  • Outreach, Education, Adoption

    • Recruitment of 32 Digital Navigators (DNs) to provide individualized digital services to community members. The DNs will have IT support and case management training, professional development opportunities, including Google certification courses, and career counseling
    • Offer live tech support for community members through the Digital Navigators
    • Offer resources to community members through the Digital Navigators for housing, food security, childcare, and economic development
    • Conduct community-based outreach to inform Metro North/North Shore community members about Digital JEDI Consortium services and opportunities
  • Digital Literacy

    • Deliver intermediate and advanced digital literacy classes for career development, including Windows 101/Microsoft Office, UI/UX Design, Front End Web Development, and Logistics & Inventory Management


The success of the Digital JEDI Consortium relies on the collaboration and partnerships between MNWB, MBI, and the community organizations and municipalities. Each brings their own unique expertise in community-based initiatives, workforce development, and social services to digital equity work.