MassHire Metro North Workforce Board’s mission is to develop partnerships, generate resources, and advocate for workforce solutions that result in a skilled workforce, prospering businesses, and equitable access to meaningful career pathways and quality employment for residents.
MassHire Metro North Workforce Board’s vision is a thriving, inclusive, and resilient regional economy where businesses and residents have equitable access to workforce development resources and to quality employment opportunities.
We are the local Workforce Development Board, designated by the City of Cambridge and the MassHire Department of Career Services.
We are a Massachusetts 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
The MassHire Metro North Workforce Board (MNWB), incorporated in 1995 as the Metro North Regional Employment Board (REB), is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that serves as the Workforce Development Board (WDB) for the Metro North region of Massachusetts. As one of sixteen local Workforce Development Boards established in Massachusetts by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014, MNWB was formed to set local workforce policy, determine how state and federal funds are best used for workforce development, align the needs of employers to the needs of area residents, leverage partnerships to meet the region’s workforce needs, and oversee the MassHire Metro North Career Centers (MNCC) where both job search and employer services are provided.
We are the local Workforce Development Board, designated by the City of Cambridge and the MassHire Department of Career Services.
We are a Massachusetts 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Standing in Solidarity
The MassHire Metro North Workforce Board is horrified, angered, and deeply saddened by the recent murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and countless other citizens as a result of police brutality and systemic racism. We recognize these incidents as examples, once again, of our society’s greatest failures. These longstanding systemic failures have resulted in violence, hatred, discrimination, and biases against our Black and Brown communities and citizens, perpetuating broad social and economic injustices and inequities.
We join many others in the cry against racism in every form.
As an organization and as individuals, we are committed to engaging our Metro North communities and partners in discussions around equity, inclusion, and support. And we will continue to take decisive action to advance social and economic opportunities for those who have suffered our society’s failings.
We stand firm in our values of equity, justice, and opportunity.
- Address business’ workforce needs through strategic partnership building
- Coordinate local workforce activities with economic development strategies
- Develop industry-specific consortia focusing on strategic planning and implementation
- Establish workforce development policy for the region
- Charter career center operator and oversee career centers
- Match the needs of business for skilled employees with training opportunities in the area
- Share regional labor market data to inform effective workforce development policy
- Administer federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds for the region
Together with community partners, MNWB provides targeted employment services designed to help eligible adult job seekers identify, advance in, or regain a career that will promote their success. Additionally, Metro North’s career centers provide employment services, including career assessment, job training and job search assistance for residents, whether unemployed or employed. Housed within the career centers is a Business Services team comprised of professionals who work directly with employers to meet their specific staffing needs at no cost.
We fund youth programs that provide education, work-readiness training, and job placement to youth from low-income households as well as youth who are at risk of dropping out of school. The goal is to prepare young adults for high school graduation, post-secondary education and, ultimately, a career. We administer the youth employment programs Connecting Activities, YouthWorks, and WIOA Youth.