The following Standing Committees and Task Forces, together with MNWB staff, oversee the activities of the MNWB.
The workforce board carries out the majority of its work through its committee structure, and it is expected that each board member will actively participate in at least one committee, and participate in the workforce board’s industry collaboratives in his/her field. The workforce board currently convenes the following committees: Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Workforce Systems Committee; Metro North Committee for Inclusive Employment Services; Metro North Youth Council; and the Metro North Career Pathways Task Force.
Chair: Colleen Moran
Convenes, brokers, and leverages partnerships between the private and public sectors to satisfy labor demand in the Metro North region and address gaps in services. Administers the region’s employment and training system in accordance with state and federal policies and guidelines. Provides oversight of overall programs and strategic direction to the organization. Elects officers and Board of Directors.
Chair: Colleen Moran
Manages the affairs of the workforce board nonprofit organization. Develops and recommends governance polices. Establishes new initiatives and strategic priorities. Ensures coordination among committees towards strategic objectives. Monitors workforce board budget and strategic issues; delegates to committees as appropriate. Acts on behalf of workforce board members as delegated.
Chair: Valerie Sutton
Manages financial affairs of the corporation, such as budget preparation for approval by the Board of Directors, ensuring preparation of timely and accurate financial reports and providing fiscal policy recommendations to the Board of Directors. Serves as audit committee to review annual audit of corporate financial operations.
Co-Chairs: Susan Walsh
Ensures implementation of the workforce board’s career center vision. Oversees and recommends procurement and re-chartering of Career Centers. Helps build capacity of the career centers as the hub of a one-stop delivery system by ensuring ongoing coordination with partners. Establishes career center policies; evaluates career center performance; determines allocation of funds among training providers, career centers, and the workforce board; develops performance standards and criteria; and approves the annual plan for regional workforce development activities.
Chair: Reed Brockman
Coordinates youth services activities and builds a youth development system to improve graduation, employment, and post-secondary outcomes for youth. Oversees, evaluates, and selects vendors for youth programs. Oversees and evaluates the workforce board’s youth programs including Connecting Activities, YouthWorks, and WIOA Youth. Develops youth workforce development strategy for the region and supports efforts to increase funding for youth related education and workforce development activities.
Co-Chairs: Carson Burrington and Steven Sullivan
Leads the vision and implementation of the MNWB’s fundraising strategies.
The following Industry Partnerships, together with MNWB staff, help to carry out the work of the MNWB.
- Metro North STEM Network
- The Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium
Metro North STEM Network
The Metro North STEM Network ensures a pipeline to technical occupations for youth and adults making career transitions through promoting a skilled and sustainable STEM workforce in the region.
The Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium
The Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium (NAMC) facilitates collaboration among industry, academia, and workforce development to define and implement an advanced manufacturing workforce development strategy within the Northeast region of Massachusetts. It also develops a pipeline for job openings; develops training and aligns education/training curricula with employer needs; promotes manufacturing as a career option. NAMC is a four-region partnership of workforce development boards, community colleges, vocational technical schools, and One-Stop Career Centers.