Baker-Polito Administration Announces $2.5 Million for Advanced Manufacturing Training
On January 15, 2019, Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito joined Quinsigamond Community College President Luis G. Pedraja, regional workforce leaders and state and local officials to announce $2.5 million to four regional consortiums through the Advanced Manufacturing Training Program to address the skills gap by creating a fully coordinated manufacturing training system to connect residents to full-time employment and meet the needs of regional industry.
The Advanced Manufacturing Training Program enables regional partnerships to develop, coordinate and maintain regional, comprehensive manufacturing workforce development systems that effectively meet the needs of manufacturers. Regional systems will provide workforce development services in advanced manufacturing, including recruitment, job training, placement and supportive services.
“The MassHire Metro North Workforce Board is excited to lead a strategy in Northeast Massachusetts, with our partners in Lowell, Merrimack Valley, and North Shore, that will expand training, access, and awareness for the manufacturing sector,” said MassHire Metro North Workforce Board’s President and CEO Sunny Schwartz. “Our goal is to ensure that companies have the trained workforce they need to grow and prosper and that residents are aware of and training for the amazing opportunities to work in manufacturing.”
Congratulations to the MassHire Metro North Workforce Board and Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium on the work they have done to support Advanced Manufacturing in Metro North!
Read the full Press Release