With support from BNY Mellon, the MassHire Metro North Workforce Board is expanding its Connecting Activities services in Everett and providing targeted programming focused on STEM fields, a strategic area of focus for both BNY Mellon and the MNWB.
It is the MNWB’s priority to ensure that career awareness, exploration, and placement activities targeted at Metro North region’s young people are focused on high-growth, in-demand industries.
STEM is not only a priority area identified in the MNWB’s strategic plan, but also one of the largest sectors, currently and projected in the future, in the Metro North region and Greater Boston in general. Labor market data show STEM fields such as the IT/Tech industry as having one of the largest “gaps” between projected available jobs and projected individuals with the qualifications to fill those jobs, and the industry has had oft-reported issues with diversity and inclusion of underrepresented populations.