MassHire Metro North Career Center held its Veteran’s Event on November 8, 2019 at its location in Cambridge. Sixteen Veteran’s attended the all-day event which included continental breakfast followed by a workshop presented by Brendyn Schneider, MassHire Metro North workshop instructor, on “How to Apply for A Federal Job”. Lunch for the veterans was generously donated by Brother’s Marketplace in Cambridge. Our second workshop was given by Juanita Allen, Diversity and Recruitment Manager for the Commonwealth of MA, on “How to Apply to State Jobs”.

And for the final piece of the day, Lisa Chakalos-Ryan, Business Services Representative in Metro North opened the MassHire Metro North Clothing Closet to Veterans to “shop” for professional clothing for interviewing. The clothing closet, which originated in the MassHire Metro North Career Center in Woburn, travels to locations for individual events and is filled with donated items.

Alice Sweeney, Director of the MassHire Department of Career Services, stopped by Cambridge during the Veterans event to present the Jobs for Veterans State Grant award for our region to Dennis Pellegrino, Steven Fernandez and Rob Doucette, our MassHire Veterans Representatives. They were responsible for reaching out to veterans and registering them for the event as well as participating in the day with all the Veteran’s. We thank them for their service!