Metro North Quarterly Job Seeker Report

This quarterly job seeker report aims to provide insightful analysis of the current labor market trends in the metro north region. Whether you are a business leader, job seeker, or community member, you’ll find valuable information to help you understand and navigate the local employment landscape. We cover key topics such as unemployment trends, top occupations, job posting data, and the most sought-after skills.

Strategic Framework

We are delighted to share with you MassHire Metro North Workforce Board’s (MNWB) new Strategic Framework. The Strategic Framework outlines MNWB’s over-arching priorities for the next five years and some of the key goals we seek to achieve.

At our March 16, 2022 Strategic Framework Webinar, we shared our Mission, Vision and Plan for working with you,
our partners, to grow an increasingly strong and equitable Workforce Development System in Metro North!

This Strategic Framework is the result of a year-long process that included Community Action Partners, MNWB staff and Board, and many of you, our partners and supporters. We want to thank each and every one of you that participated in some way in the development of this plan, it would not have been possible without you.

To Listen to the Webinar Recording and View the Webinar PowerPoint, click the links below:

Webinar Recording

Webinar Slides

Greater Boston Regional Planning Blueprint

With direction from the Governor’s Workforce Skills Cabinet, the Greater Boston Regional Planning Blueprint outlines workforce priorities for the Metro North, Metro West, and City of Boston workforce regions. Educational, workforce, and economic development stakeholders in all three regions developed the blueprint.

WIOA Local 4-Year Plan

A link to the MassHire Metro North Workforce Board’s current FY22-FY25 WIOA Local 4-Year Plan is below.

Metro North & WIOA Partners Umbrella Memorandum of Understanding

Metro North MOU Partners Umbrella MOU and related documents are below.

Labor Market Information

MassHire Metro North Workforce Board is proud to support the work of the workforce development, education, and economic development organizations in our communities. We are happy to provide labor market information to inform programmatic decisions or endorse grant applications. Partners who would like to request labor market information, reports, or access to data must complete the following Labor Market Data Request Form.

Looking for the latest unemployment rates, occupation data, or industry information on Metro North cities and towns? Check out the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ labor market information website.

Metro North Demographic Data

Click here to access the latest refresh of demographic data for the Metro North region.

MassHire Metro North Career Center Surveys

Career Pathway Tools

My Next Move is an interactive tool for job seekers and students to learn more about their career options. Users can find careers through keyword search; by browsing industries that employ different types of workers; or through the O*NET Interest Profiler, a tool that offers personalized career suggestions based on a person’s interests and level of work experience.

Evaluation of Youth Labor Market in Metro North

In 2019, we partnered with UMass Donahue Institute to analyze the characteristics of the youth labor market in Metro North. Click the link below to read our findings.

View data visualizations of workforce information including unemployment and employment in the Metro North area, employer, and worker data.

Didn’t Find Your Answer?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help you find the answers to your questions!